What is the Best Way to take CBD for Health Benefits

On the market, you get various cannabinoids found in hemp and cannabis plants. While the study only started recently, one, in particular, shows potential health benefits of CBD. Unlike its cousin THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), it is non-intoxicating and does not get you high. Yet, research is still ongoing and not yet regulated by the FDA. The… Continue reading What is the Best Way to take CBD for Health Benefits

Categorized as CBD, Hemp

Get the Connection between COVID-19 and Smoking 

The pandemic is still a global concern, primarily if you use a vape or smoke. Why it attacks your lungs. But is that all!  Read the Conclusive Evidence When you smoke, it weakens your immune system increasing your risk of infectious diseases and respiratory infections. These two are significant concerns leading to cancer and other… Continue reading Get the Connection between COVID-19 and Smoking